Les développements résidentiels sur Tour & Taxis ne sont pas simplement un lieu de vie uniforme, mais une unité diversifiée où chaque bâtiment est unique.
Une symbiose de différentes textures, palettes de couleurs, matériaux organiques et designs excentriques qui forment un ensemble cohérent.
Pour illustrer, voici quelques moodboards des bâtiments de Park Lane.
– Jaydon & Newport were executed in red brick, a reference to the typical Brussels architecture:

– Karson has a beautiful facade in an olive green faience tile that fits perfectly in the green environment:

– The Liberty building exists of green grayish colored bricks that were inspired by the adjacent urban villas, where a connection to the garden is never far away:

– Metropolitan was realised in a warm, light gray and beige brick that fits well with the play of light and warmth that has been created throughout the entire building:

– Quincy’s architecture feels very light and open due to it’s light brick. The green terraces and dark red windows refer to natural tones from the environment and provide a playful effect: